


**sorry the links in our first email today were not working!

Hi Everyone,

We were up at 3:30am this morning getting the van ready for it's voyage to Westchester County, Milford Connecticut, and Long Island!

Whip is out on the road so if you see him- give him a wave!

There is not better feeling for Lauren and I than packing that van- and knowing customers are going to be really happy when their large meat shares arrive!

I mean who would not be thrilled with a half a cow showing up at their door!  Knowing you have a stocked freezer in these crazy times is a great feeling!

So, we want to help fill your freezer with my personal Freedom Farms favorite- BURGERS!

Yesterday we got a TON of burgers back from the butcher and our freezers are loaded up!

Our butchers does an awesome job of stocking us up with 1/2lb burger patties- and they are so amazing!

That means we want to let you know if you purchase a 10lb. pack of burgers- we are going to throw in another pack FREE!

Summer is coming, BBQ season is coming, so that means burger season is on it's way!

As I always say, the #1 thing I love about our burgers outside of the taste is that when you cook the 1/2lb. burger- you GET a 1/2lb. burger back.

Unlike grocery store burgers that melt and whither away- our burgers are PREMIUM and are made from some of the best parts of the cow- not just cheap, fat injected scrap meat like your typical feed-lot, grocery store patties...

As you know- we are a small family farm and freezer space is precious- so we have to make room for our steaks and roasts coming back this week....

Today, we are offering one of our favorite sales- 1-PACK OF FREE 1/2LB. Burger Patties on every 10lbs. you purchase on Beef Burger Patties!

🍔 Our burger patties are 1/2lb. each and are absolutely delicious...

🍔 They are our #1-Selling Item in the store and our re-purchase rate is through the roof....

🍔 If you really want the best burger value- join our SUBSCRIBE AND SAVE and get 5% off your order, get the shipped monthly or every other month, AND get your free burgers with your order.


After all, who does not love a good burger- and let's face it- we all like a little something free :) .....

Grass-fed, Grass-finished burgers- as clean as you can get....

Anyway- we have so much mud here at the farm that we have to move the cows into what we call our "Sacrifice" pasture. This is where they will stay for the next 4-weeks while the grass grows lush!

We have to do some fresh seeding this weekend- and we hope to have an amazing year of grass-growth so that the cows can grow, grow, grow!

That is our wish! Pray for us!

So, if you are ready to stock up on your burgers- today is the day!

🍔 Order your burgers here!

You will not be disappointed!

Lastly- when we run specials like this we usually burn through product very quickly- so get your order in quickly and we will fill it in the order in which it come in!

And- when supplies are gone- well, we will then have to wait for more by processing another cow!

So act now!

🍔Stock your freezer and enjoy some amazing burgers!

Ok- gotta go.... work calls!

Thank you as always for all the support. 

Have a great day!


Your Farmers, 


🍔 Order your burgers today! 

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