

Hi Everyone!- 

First off, this week we want to thank all of our Veterans and all those who have served out great company.

The armed forces, the local forces, police, fire, EMS- all of those who help make this country great on the front line, behind the scenes, or wherever there service is needed. 

Thank you.

This morning was another early one with a 4am wake-up, packing the truck for some amazing customers out on Long Island and NJ!

As we said last week, we want to make buying in bulk as convenient as possible so you can bring the best possible meats to your home.

This was a tough week on the farm and in NY for several reasons...

1. Lee ZELDIN lost the Governor Election
*he was very much pro-farmer and was going to help us lower taxes, lower fuel costs, and make things a bit easier.. but, it didn't work out...

2. We lose a whole litter of piglets (7) and we are not sure why... 

3. Yesterday, we lost one of our 50lb feeder piglets.. no sign of injury, so, we think he was sick...

4. This week we also lost about 10 chickens we were growing out as meat birds since the weather has been all over the place- hot/cold/ windy/ rainy.. not great for raising birds outdoors...

5. Lauren lost her friends the turkeys... 
She loved those birds and put so much heart and care into raising them so that many can have a really wonderful centerpiece to their holiday meal! But, she is feeling optimistic because so many customers are excited to pick-up her work of arts (Today and Next Weekend!)

With farming, it is one of those career paths that requires you to constantly adapt...

Adapt to weather, adapt to the animals, adapt to things going wrong (like this AM, the freezer compressor in our truck just was not working!)...

But when you adapt, you grow.

We love the daily challenges and when we meet our customers and give them their meats it makes it all worth while!

Yesterday, some of our regulars, The Denison's and The Palluti's came to the farm- and we love talking shop with them...

We built the farm to not just be a sterile business or brand, but instead a big extended family who all share the same love of great meat, love of country, and love of doing things the right way...

That is what we are about and we have found many of our customers share the same views and visions...

So, no matter what we deal with on the farm, we adapt for you.

We are 100% focused on being our best for all of our wonderful customers and families that count on us to be there for them...

Thank you all for welcoming us as your preferred farm and protein provider!

We are honored and certainly do not take it lightly.

Having you on this magical journey with us means so much and all of your support allows us to grow the farm and produce more great food.

If you are looking to get your orders in, you can do so below!

We are grateful for every one of them that comes in!

Order pork.

Order beef.

Order chicken

Well, we have about 8 pick-ups today on-farm and at 8am it is time to go out and feed the animals and check on Nicole, our mama pig to see if she had her babies today!

The ying and yang of farming!

Thanks again for supporting small farms and your local farmers.

Your Farmers,

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