Hi Everyone!-
Have you ever wanted a fresh, farm-raised turkey for Thanksgiving?
Well, our turkey's are arriving in the next 2-weeks so we can start growing them for you!
It may seem nuts to be talking turkey in June, but it takes 16-weeks for us to raise our turkey's- since we do not stuff them with filler food, we let them eat off the ground so they can grow with amazing taste!
This year, we only have 50-turkey's, so, if you are interested in a fresh turkey (that will be available for pickup/delivery in November), get your deposits in today!
Place your deposit for turkey here.
Since we are talking poultry today, we just got in last week 100-more day-old-chicks for us to grow out so you can have farm, fresh, pasture-raised chicken for your family.
We sell whole chickens or we can have them split for you!
What many do not realize is that the chicken and eggs that you buy at the stores every rarely, if ever touch the ground.
Laying birds are kept inside with bright lights on so they can lay all the time in a controlled environment, and the same is true with meat birds.
They are raised in big houses with thousands of other birds. Never being able to ever roam and pick-up nutrients from the ground.
We wanted to 100% change that and make sure our customers get nothing but the best... free-range, bug/worm/grass eating chickens (the natural feed of chickens), and you will sure taste the difference!!
The chicken is less chewy and much more succulent!
Order your chickens today!
Remember, we custom raise and process- so we have the inventory we have for the year and then we are done till next season.
This is how traditional farms run- so if you are looking for meats this season, please get your deposits in soon so we can make sure you and your family are set for the times ahead.
As always, you can order your beef and pork meat shares below...
We have many first timers doing Meat Shares- and we want to make sure you have the best, most personable experience possible- so any questions about how CUSTOM raising and CUSTOM processing works please ask!!
Order beef.
Order pork.
Order chicken.
OK- have an amazing weekend!
We have a great customer on her way for pick-up so we have to get her order ready!!
Thanks again for supporting small farms and your local farmers.
Your Farmers,
Thanksgiving in June??

Any time period when the quarter cow will be done, only asking because I’ll be camping quite a bit, and don’t want you storeing it any longer then you have to, thanks Ray