Hi Everyone!-
This week has been another big one at the farm!
We not only put together a new farm video for Youtube- so you can see all the action LIVE, but we also spent a good part of the week chasing cows that got out as a result of our electric fence having a short!
The little calves love to get out and explore- and that can take a good few hours of our time chasing them down and getting them corralled!
Also this week, we brought our meats back to the farm for our customers Deniston, Clinehens, Kamil, Yoder, and Regan... we have 4 more cows to pick up from the butcher this week, and another 4 cows to pick up on 2 weeks...
So between tending to the animals and getting our orders ready for customers so they can have the best meats for their summer BBQ's- we are busy.
Most people know this about farming, but the day starts when the roosters crow at about 4:30am- then, they usually end after we put our utility cart away for the night around 10pm.
SO, it is a long day- and if we are lucky, we can sneak in a few minutes around the fire pit at night.
We also had the news here twice this week- both Spectrum News as well as News 36 from Binghamton talking about the farm and what our goals are....
The goal though is simple: Get our customers THE BEST off-the-farm meats in NY, NJ, CT, and northeastern PA.
It is that simple and always will be.
We want people to have a relationship again with their local farmer so they know where they get their meats from- and are not guessing.
And- we invite all of our customers to farm to see just that- where your meat comes from and how your animals are treated.
Be really smart about what you put in your body- all meat is not equal.
With that said, we are taking our summer and fall meat share orders now!
You can order below- and if there is something you are requesting that you do not see- please respond to this email with your questions- we love hearing from you.
We have many first timers doing Meat Shares- and we want to make sure you have the best, most personable experience possible!!
Order beef.
Order pork.
Order chicken.
OK- have an amazing weekend!
It is time for us to go out and feed some ducks!!
Thanks again for supporting small farms and your local farmers.
Your Farmers,