
We Are Running Low On Beef!!

We Are Running Low On Beef!!
Hi Everyone!- 

This week has been another big one at the farm!

Sometimes it is hard to remember all that happens- so doing our Youtube videos each weeks helps us remember the story and is a great way for us to share the farm with all of you!

If you have not yet seen any of our videos yet- make sure you check out the link below in this newsletter- you will find them highly entertaining and hopefully they inspire you to come and see the farm at least once!

Our meat share program continues to be going strong!

We are really excited and happy about that because it allows us to continue moving the farm forward and strengthen the ties between farm and customer, farm and community.

What meat represents to Lauren and I  is Freedom.

When you are able to pack your freezer with meats in share sizes ranging from 1/8th to 1/4 to 1/2 and Whole Shares, there is a sense of freedom that come over you knowing that you have quantities of good quality meats to keep your family safe and fed.

I can not tell you how many families call us after they fill their freezers and are so grateful and blessed we were able to provide them with freedom in a time where it is getting harder to come by.

We released our 1/8th beef share to help some get in the meat-share that have smaller freezers- and others are choosing to split whole cows with friends.

Auction prices for cattle are the highest they have been in ages- which means even big Ag companies and feed lot based meat companies are paying farmers more for product- which ultimately ends up coming to you, the end consumer.

So in the coming months you will be paying more for poor quality, feed-lot raised meats.

Another point of liberation our customers feel after filling their freezers with beef and pork is that no longer have to go stores like Costco, Sams Club, BJs, or Shop-rite to buy their meats, or, Whole Foods where you are over-paying for meats made in South America or Australia.

We have more and more customers reaching out each week looking for 1/4, 1/2, whole cows to fill their freezers with to feed their families.

We even have many folks from NYC and Brooklyn reaching out as well- looking to bring farm quality, zero-antibiotic, grass-fed, grass-finished beef to their tables- most of them are worried about space.

So, a few weeks ago we started offering a 1/8th starter share box for those folks with smaller freezers!

The 1/8th share box will give a variety of cuts- without needing an extra freezer.

We do not want there to be barriers that hold you back from purchasing the best meat products for your families.

If you want to order the 1/8th box, click here.

I also wanted to reiterate how our process works and how it differs from traditional "purchase by the cut programs". 

*Because we sell by the share, we can do better on pricing vs. by the cut as it is much more labor intensive.

We custom raise our animals and custom process.

Meaning, we only raise a certain amount of animals a year for our customers- which means we have a limited supply and when we are out, well, we are out for the season.

*So when you order and put your deposit down, we tag your animal, with your name and then set a date to process that animal.

*Once we get the processing date set, we let you know that your meat share will be ready about 3 weeks later, sometimes 4 if you ordered a lot of smoked meat with your pork.

*Before the animal goes to the butcher, we ask you if there are any specific cuts you would like, how thick you would like your steaks and the size of your roasts, and how many steaks in a package.

By the way- the meats last because all are vacuum sealed and individually packaged!

It is that simple.

From there, you can come to the farm, which we love to pick up and for a tour, or, we can set up a delivery for a small fee.

We want this to be personal and seamless.

That is what makes our farm different.

It is all about the customer and we see our customers as part of our farm family.

We are the farmers so you are dealing directly with us- the people who raise your food!

You know, when you are given the chance to run a farm like ours that has been running for generations, the goal is to share it with others to enjoy as well.

It almost feels like it is our responsibility to use the farm for what it was intended for- raising great beef, pork, and chicken/ eggs and sharing those amazing tasting foods with the local NY, NJ, CT, PA community.

Thanks for giving us a chance to feed you and your family.

If you want to join our meat share and reserve your share of beef and/or pork/ chicken- click the link below so we can tag your animal and make him yours!

Order beef.

Order pork.

Order chicken.

As I said earlier, we are ahead of schedule in our sales  - as many are looking for a full freezer this year- so if you are thinking of ordering, please do so now so we can make sure we have enough meats available for you this year!

Thanks again for supporting small farms and your local farmers.

Your Farmers,

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