Hi Everyone!-
This week is going to be bitter sweet.
Tomorrow, we have 3 cows and 3 pigs getting picked up to head to the butcher.
It is always one of those days that is sad because the cows are leaving our farm- but it is sweet because we know we gave them a great life and they get to feed and nourish your families.
Everyday I get to speak with customers who are excited to order farm fresh meats since they are tired of purchasing meats they know nothing about at premium prices from the grocery store.
Last week, Lauren and I went to Whole Foods and looked at the beef. Most of the beef is from Uruguay, Argentina, Australia, and New Zealand.
That makes us sad.
There are so many hard working farmers here in America, and many like us in New York who work hard to make a living by raising animals the right way.
That is what we love to do.
Everyday we are out there caring for the animals.
Feeding them only the best hay and free choice minerals- no junk, unlike most CAFOs- which is short for Contained Animal Feeding Operation.
These exist all over the US as well and are actually where most of your meat comes from at the store.
These animals are put in large pens, stuffed with grain and hormones, and then sent for process when the animal is of massive size.
It is wrong.
It is unfortunately the practice utilized to feed mass amounts of people- but most are being fed low quality, inflammatory beef.
At Freedom Farms, this is our inspiration to never be like that and give locals of the tri-state area, NY/NJ/CT and PA the chance to purchase directly from the farm, knowing your farmers, and knowing exactly where your meat comes from.
That is what we are all about- it is also why we invite every single customer to come and see the farm, meet us, and see the operation and how much we care.
We have so many new customers this year for the meat share, purchasing Beef, Pork, and Chicken- we are exited since many are first timers.
If you want to join our meat share and reserve your share of beef and/or pork/ chicken- click the link below so we can tag your animal and make him yours!
Order beef.
Order pork.
Order chicken.
Take a look into CAFOs- it will change how you eat forever, I can promise you that.
Thanks for supporting small, local, family farms.
It goes a long way and we love what we do- bringing you the best, cleanest, and healthiest meats from our farm to your table.
*for those who have already ordered their shares, we have many butcher appointments set up for May, June, and July! When your animal is heading in for processing, we will let you know!!! Thank you!
Your Farmers,
This Week Is Bitter-Sweet....