Hi Everyone!-
We hope you had an awesome Christmas- and wanted to wish you a Happy New Year!
This week has been sooooo cold at the farm! We even had some snow! The cows loved it- we did too!
What is amazing about the cows is they really do not feel the cold. Their winter coats have grown and their skin is so thick.
The only thing we have to monitor is the wind because the wind and rain can get to them- and as a result, they can lose weight which is what we work really hard to avoid.
Aaron has been feeding them about 5 round bales per day- which are those big circular bales that weigh about 1000+ lbs. each- now that is a lot of hay!
That is our job though during the winter- to keep them fed so we can keep their weight up.
Once they start to lose weight and they come into spring undersized due to lack of feed it can be very hard to get their weight back up making for less steaks and roasts for all- no good!
Anyway- we have 4 pigs going to the butcher this week along with our 7 cows (they were supposed to go in last week but got pushed by the butcher because of the holiday)- so Wednesday, tomorrow will be a very active day of loading animals.
Hey- we can all use a little positive action in life and something to look forward to!
Tomorrow is that day for us..
As I said last time, we are working really hard to finish up our orders and wrap up the farm for 2021 so we can start fresh for 2022!
The last order of business this week is we are going to be butchering and packaging our 20 meat birds!
So we will have fresh chickens for our customers!
These birds are about 10lbs. a piece!
Amazing and so cool to see since we grew them from little chicks!
If you would like to order some chickens- just click here to order!
We have about 10 available as the others are accounted for!
Anyway- have an awesome day and enjoy the turn of the year if we do not speak before!
Think about all the blessings you have and that will keep you focused and excited about what you have and what is to come!
Your Farmers,