Hi Everyone!-
Fall is in the air here at the farm!
What we love about upstate NY is that crisp air that usually hits right around September 1st...
It is a nice treat after a hot summer of work!
This year, it is also a indicator that FREEDOM-FEST 2022 is getting close!
We hope that you can make it!
We have had some ask about Freedom Fest...
We decided to host FREEDOM FEST as a thank you event to all of our awesome customers, an event to introduce people to the farm, and an event to celebrate all things America...
Those great things are BBQ, Great Music, Fun for Kids, and Just Some Good Ole Relaxation on the farm...
We have 2-Bands Lined up, A Jump House AND Face Painter for Kids, a Freedom Farms Pig we will be Roasting, and some BBQ!
This is a celebration and we are excited to celebrate with you!
We also want you to bring your friends and family to enjoy a day on the farm!
On another note, our butchering season will end this year in late November...
So if you are thinking of ordering, we encourage you to get your deposits on now..
Once you get your deposit in, we will then tag your animal and we will then get you a date scheduled with our butcher...
We work with so many first timers that have not ordered directly off the farm before- and what we like to tell these folks is that there is nothing better and healthier than knowing exactly where your food comes from....
When we originally got into this, raising farm fresh food, we did so because Lauren was getting inflammation and a rash on her face whenever we would buy store bought meats....
We went on to learn that these meats are not "clean" in that the animals are stuffed with corn and grain, given hormones to encourage eating more to put on size quickly, and most of the meat is imported- not raised here in the US of A.
That had to change- and that is what gave birth to Freedom Farms...
So many of our customers are looking for quality- clean meats, grown on farm, and not sitting on shelves or flown across the world before getting to their table.
If you are looking for the cleanest, healthiest beef for your family, we have several meat-shares left for the remainder of this season!
Order beef.
We are now filling orders for late September- early October!
If you are looking to fill your freezer for the fall / winter, now is the time to get your deposits in!
Order pork.
Order chicken.
If you are thinking of ordering a Thanksgiving Turkey from us this year, we are down to our last 15!
Order a Thanksgiving Turkey.
OK- have an amazing weekend!
Thanks again for supporting small farms and your local farmers.
Your Farmers,
Are You Coming?

Just where are you located any where near Delaware county
Love the farming life hoping to come buy meat soon