Hi Everyone!-
We hope you had a great week!
I wanted to write to you this week about focusing on "why" so many people are turning towards eating MORE red meat.
For those who know Joe Rogan and Jordan Peterson, you may have heard the two of them recently talking about the carnivore diet and how eating more read meat (contrary to what many think) is helping them to lose weight and improve their bodies functionality..
Now- they obviously are not talking about store-bought, big AG, feed-lot beef. They are talking about beef, like ours at Freedom Farms that is raised sustainably and also raised by using optimal practice like strategic grazing, mineral supplementation, and extensive pasture-ground management which gives the cows optimal nutrition which they can then pass on to you, the end user.
Rogan said he ate just two meals a day, one around noon and then dinner. For breakfast, he would eat several eggs, and then grass-fed elk or beef steak for dinner. Rogan said he would also eat some bacon."
He also combined this fruit, water, vitamins and mineral supplements.
The goal was to improve his performance and overall efficiency through food and optimized nutrition.
We have actually had several customers who eat 1lb. of Freedom Farms beef each day- while keeping their starchy carbs to a bare minimum.
Essentially, increasing lean protein in the diet while eliminating sugars.
That makes for incredible efficiency and fat burning for the body, much like KETO and keeps the body lean.
Having spent my whole "non-farming" career in coaching and performance development (with a degree in sports medicine), I have found a higher protein diet with carbs coming only from fruits and vegetables to be a very wise and rewarding eating strategy.
In fact, that is what we promote here at Freedom Farms and many of our customers are subscribers to it.
Increase lean protein, increase green vegetables, increase fibrous fruit, and drop off starchy carbohydrates and watch the body transform.
All of our meat sources- Beef, Pork, and Chicken allow for optimal utilization by the body because our meats are as clean as they come...
We use nothing but grass and mineral on our beef- and for our pork and chicken- what the ground provides and a mineral-local feed supplement.
I hope you find today's message helpful and useful.
As we head into the holiday season, I always like to promote positive physical and mental results through optimized nutrition..
Order our proteins below- you will be glad you did and you will 100% taste the difference and see the difference in how you feel after eating..
And, if you follow the plan above, you will see fat melt and see your energy elevate big time!
Order pork.
Order beef.
Order chicken
Ok- that is it for now.
We have 7 orders headed to New Jersey this morning and some amazing customers coming to the farm for pick-ups... so another exciting day!
Enjoy your weekend- we hope to see you soon!
Thanks again for supporting small farms and your local farmers.
Your Farmers,