Hi All!
Another early truck pack- as we have a busy day of deliveries headed to the great state of New Jersey!
Today, we are headed to the Jersey Shore, Bergen County, and making a quick stop in Bayside, Queens!
After doing this direct-to-consumer meat thing for some time now, it is safe to say the #1 product that are customers enjoy is our Premium Ground Beef!
Probably because ground beef is so versatile.
From burgers to chili to tacos to sloppy joes to meat sauce to meat balls- we have gotten so many amazing pictures from our customer sharing how they use our ground beef and how they rant and rave about how superior it is to store-bought!
We are so thankful for that..
The reason is, we do not just use cheap trim meat to make it...
Meaning, most of the ground beef you buy at a store (even butcher shops) is made from the trim, or, the scrap meat that comes off of the prime cuts...
This is why your store bought ground beef is often chewy and often not that flavorful...
Where with our ground, we include brisket, roasts, and even some of the steaks cuts to make a VERY flavorful, yet lean ground beef...
The same is true with how we make our burger patties and burger boxes...
The other big difference is what we call: The Slime...
Have you ever made burgers from the store, or meatballs and you have the slime feeling on your hand?
Well that is because pig fat and fat scraps are often put into your ground beef- it adds volume and weight- which allows for more weight and the ability to charge for weight that is not usable...
All that fat just burns off and ends up being fat on your grill or drip on your grill...
Our PREMIUM grass-fed, grass-finished ground beef does not use any of that and therefore the meat does not burn off- where you are left with 1/2 the volume of meat you began cooking with...
True Grass-fed beef maintains itself when cooked, it does not reduce down.
Remember those BIG burgers you put on the grill?
How could you start with a 1/2 pound burger and end up with only a 1/4 pound burger?
Well, the fat content. It burns off.
We just got over 600lbs. of 1lb. sleeves of ground beef in this week as well as some fresh burger patties....
So, if you want some SUPER-FRESH ground beef, order here.
You can order up to 50lbs. at a time!
Or, maybe you want some pre-made burger patties, you can order those here.
Personally, I love the ground beef too...
Sometimes, I will have it for lunch, or, even put it with my eggs in the morning for a real protein blast...
My other favorite thing to do is put a fresh cooked egg on top of my burger patties as well...
High protein, lean meat- a great, simple healthy meal!
Anyway, we get pumped when we have fresh stock and wanted to let you know!
So, if you are interested in stocking up, now is the time!
Also, we want to make it very clear that we use no hormones, no vaccines , or no preservatives in our meats.
Today, it is so hard to find truly clean meat because the labels on meat are not well regulated... So if you are ready to order some meats, -Order here.
Ok- well, we had a new calf born last night and it is time to check on him!
The first night for a new calf always requires some TLC- meaning some supervision...
Then, it is time to expand our pig area so we can increase our stock of pigs and pork this season!!!
As always, thanks again for supporting our dream and our small family farm!
Have an awesome day...
Your Farmers,