
Our 1st Farm Video- LIVE on Youtube!

Our 1st Farm Video- LIVE on Youtube!

Hi Everyone!

We are so pumped. 

Over the past few years we have been watching farm videos on Youtube.

We would do this to try and learn farming- but instead of learning farming, we actually found these videos to be really relaxing and a good escape from the real world!

SO, yesterday we made our own and it is now LIVE on our Youtube Channel.

You can watch it if you click here.

I mean, who doesn't find it exciting to see what morning chores on a farm look like!

You will get to meet the pigs, watch us feed them, and, see Lauren's flowers :)

All in all, we are having a blast at the farm and want you to come on the journey with us!

For now, make sure you give our 1st farm video a watch!


One thought on “Our 1st Farm Video- LIVE on Youtube!

  1. avatar Edward LaSalle says:

    Love it!

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