
Teenage Piglets Are Getting Crazy!

Teenage Piglets Are Getting Crazy!

Hi Everyone!

Well, remember those piglets we had on July 4th- they are getting wild!

This week, we have been running outside a few times a day to keep them in!

They really are becoming wild teenagers and challenging us- but I think we are winning.

We now put up some hog panels to keep them inside their pasture and we have a fence that is nice and hot- giving them a little jolt if they get too close.

The truth is, we do this to keep them safe.

They definitely keep us on our feet- as if running the farm is not enough!

Anyway- just wanted to give you a little farm update!!

Ok- back to our daily chores....

Today will include more and more weed-whacking.

We are hoping to get this in before it starts to get cold in the coming weeks.

The weed-whacking is so important because if any grass grows on the fence, it will become less hot and then it will allow for the cows to push through!

Ok- talk to you soon!


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