
Things Are Heating Up At The Farm!

Things Are Heating Up At The Farm!
Hi Everyone!-

Well, the weather is definitely getting better!

As a farmer, nice weather is a real treat especially when there are those days that are -20 during the winter!

A few things we have going on at the farm-
  1. We are now making a BIG vegetable garden so we can be prepared for the summer/ fall growing season.
  2. We are still finishing our new fences- the pasture is just about done and electrified to keep the calves in- next up is the pig area so we can get them in the woods for foraging!
  3. We are preparing the chicken barn for the new chickens arriving next month- these are our meat birds that arrive May 31st.
So far we are still doing well avoiding the bird-flu, so the egg-layers are still running around the farm and laying eggs daily.

For any of you that have already ordered meats, we have opened up ordering for fresh, free-range chicken eggs as well.

You can order them here- and we will add them to your order!

Our eggs are so good- rich in color, not watery, and certainly not what you buy at the store!

Because we let the chickens run around the farm for feeding, they thank us with amazing tasting eggs.

Our meat-share program has been amazing- we have over 15- cows sold already.. 

It seems this year many are looking to fill their freezers after the announcements of food shortages..

Lauren and I always say- there is nothing more satisfying than having a full freezer of meat.

It provides a sense of safety and comfort just knowing you are prepared for whatever comes your way..

On a positive note- the 21 baby calves on the farm are all doing well...

Every week they get bigger and bigger!

We would love to have you become a part of this years meat share program!

Many of our customers partner up with friends and family members on meat shares- and it is really a fun thing to see when they come to pick up their meats at the farm or if we deliver!

The energy is always high on meat-share pick up or delivery days and we love it!

It is what keeps us going strong and keeps motivating us to get our meats in the hands of more customers!

We are a small family farm so these are our rewards!

If you want to order you share of a Cow/ Pig- you can click the link below.

Order here.

For those who are a little intimated by a "big" share or have been on the fence because you are worried about space (which you shouldn't be!) we have just launched our 1/8th beef share- a small starter pack that will be great for a few BBQs giving you a taste of our premium beef!

Order a 1/8th share starter pack...

Thanks as always for being a part of our farm community and as the weather gets nicer- we look forward to meeting many of you at the farm!

Have a great weekend!

Your Farmers,

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