
This Week At Freedom Farms!

This Week At Freedom Farms!

Hi Everyone!- 

The weekend is here!

Yesterday was a crazy day for us- for over 12 hours our dog Bullet disappeared...

We ran one heck of a search and rescue mission. Through the fields, through the woods- and nothing. He was nowhere to be found.

Then, we had to go pick up our car from getting serviced- and who was on the porch when we got home? Bullet. 

I think the lesson is to trust the instincts of the animals- and realize hunger brings all boys home :)  As well as some prayer from his grandmother Helen.

Also, our meat bird chickens are doing great! They are growing FAST and will certainly be ready in the next 6-7 weeks.

So, if you would like to order a chicken or two or three, you can do so by clicking here.

Also, last weekend, we had two of our wonderful meat share customers, Marilyn and Keith stop by the farm.

They stayed for a few hours and we really had a nice time together.

We showed them the cows, the pigs, the new Wagyu calves, and they met our chickens (who were almost eaten by a Fox when they pulled up!) Oy! Farm-life.

So much of farm life is protecting the food chain from predators!

We also shot a new video this week for our farm channel on Youtube which you can see by clicking here. 

This is our way of showing you what farm-life is all about (the fun side that is) and make you feel a part of the farm and journey.

It is so important that you know where your food comes from- so we want to show you!

And this week has also been really busy for our Fall Meat-Share Program which probably has a lot to do with the skyrocketing pricing of meat and limited supply at grocery stores. And who knows where most of that meat comes from anyway... :P

We are really enjoying meeting all of our new customers and as a matter of fact, next weekend will  be a BIG Weekend at the farm since many of our early Meat-Share customers will be ready to pick up their meat (beef).

Our 6-pigs are heading into the butcher on Monday, so pork is still a few weeks out!

If you have any last minute plans to order your pasture-raised pork, you can order here.

Also, we still have a FEW shares of Grass-Fed Beef left from this years Fall Meat Share program! 

If you want to order a share from our Fall Meat Share- you can click here!

Well, that is this weeks farm update!

The farm is going great, the foliage looks amazing, and there is a buzz around like no other time of year!

As always, if you are in the area, make sure to stop by and see us! We are a small family farm and want you to be a part of it!

Ok- see ya next week!

Your Farmers,

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