
Us Farmers Are Worried :(

Us Farmers Are Worried :(
Hi Everyone!- 

As many of you know- gas prices, especially diesel fuel is priced at crazy levels right now.

Many of you may be wondering how that effects farmers- so, today, we wanted to give you a little insight.

Most of our equipment (tractors) is powered by diesel fuel and this time of year the tractors are used to feed the animals each day. Then, in a few short months, many local farmers will have to plant their corn and crops for a summer/ fall harvest.

When you plant, there is miles and miles of land that needs to be covered with large machines that plant all of those rows of crops you see.

They are high powered machines that burn quite a bit of fuel so any increase in fuel has to eventually be passed to the customer.

Then- around July, us beef farmers have to start cutting our hay. A multi-step process that includes: Cutting the hay, then, tedding or fluffing the hay (Sometimes 2x), then raking the hay, then finally baling the hay.

The thing with farming is it all sounds / looks easy but there are a lot of steps involved to get your food it's final stop- your house.

I will say this, when you buy directly from your local farms/ farmers- you really help everyone out. The margins are small when you think about how many steps are involved to make these farms run.

*In the coming weeks we are bound to see greater increases in store pricing on farm based products.

So, each time you go and fill up your tank- think about your local farmers.

We do our best to make sure you get the best quality foods- so your help and thoughts during these times is greatly appreciated!

If you want the best and cleanest meat in the region, we are taking deposits/ orders for our Grass-Fed, Grass-Finished Summer-Fall Meat Share now.

So, if you would like to be a part of this years program, it is never too early to reserve your spot!

We are pumped about this years response already!

Click here to reserve your beef share!

Well- Thats the update this week!! 

Stay safe. Stay warm! Eat Beef!

Your Farmers,


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