
We Had a New Black Angus Calf Born!

We Had a New Black Angus Calf Born!
Hi Everyone!- 

Well, just when you think things would calm down at the farm- a calf is born!

We wrapped up deliveries last week from our winter meat-share- thinking we would have a few weeks off- then this happened! (which we love!)

This week one of our mama cows had a little black angus calf.


The calf is female which is really good news because that means we have more breeding stock!

Which for those who do not know, breeding stock means this little black angus calf will not be processed for meat- but instead will live a long life on the farm being bred and helping to build our herd.

Some of you may not know this, but we only process our steers- which are males that are not able to breed others cows because they are sterile from a banding technique that is done to them when they are baby calves.

When we first heard about this we were a little freaked out- putting a band around the calf so it can not breed?

But the truth is, they calf does not feel it all. This also prevents us from having too many bulls and allows us to control/ contain/ manage/ and account for the herd.

On our farm, we have 3-bulls: Ferdinand, Hercules, and Patrick.

They are docile and are really sweet.

With all this talk of beef- we are also opening up reservations for our Summer/ Fall Meat Share Program for both beef and pork.

We fill all orders on a first come, first serve basis so depending on where you are on the list will determine when your meat will be ready!

You can click here to head to the website and hold your spot with a deposit!

Well- Thats the update this week!! 

Stay safe. Stay warm! Eat Beef!

Your Farmers,

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